Albert Park Flexible School
History and Philosophy
Albert Park Flexible School (APFS) began in 1990, founded by Gwen Zietsch. The school has been located at its current site at 1 Hale Street, Brisbane since 2004. APFS became a registered school in 2006 and is part of Edmund Rice Education Australia, a national and unified network of Australian schools and educational entities. APFS is a community founded on the principles of Rights, Respect, Relationships, Responsibility and Safe and Legal. Young People are central to their education and are consulted in decisions affecting their education and engagement.
Albert Park Flexible School is a co-educational learning community catering for young people in years 7 to 12 and supports young parents. Young people are enrolled in either junior or senior and are registered for the Queensland Certificate of Education through the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Albert Park currently has enrolments of approximately 85 young people supported by 14 on-site staff as well as partner organisations and volunteers.
Albert Park Flexible School can help young people access support from organisations such as:
- Red Cross Young Centre
- Lang Park PCYC
- Brisbane Youth Service
- Youth Advocacy Centre
- Clarence Street
- True Relationships
- Maxima Recruitment Services
- Visible Ink Youth Hub
- Headspace
- Eating Disorders Queensland
Albert Park Flexible School caters for young people from year 7-year 12. Albert Park Flexible Learning Centre offers the following learning
- Essential English
- Essential Maths
- Fashion
- Drama in Practice
- Literacy Short Course
- Numeracy Short Course
- CUA10320 Certificate I in Visual Arts
- CUA20720 Certificate II in Visual Arts
- CUA20620 Certificate II in Music (delivered in partnership with COSAMP – RTO provider 41549)
The Australian Curriculum:
- Maths
- English
- The Arts
- Technologies
- Science
Child Safeguarding
Our prime focus is to promote the safety and wellbeing of children and young people under our care. We take our responsibilities for child safeguarding extremely seriously and therefore we commit to ensuring that our school has appropriate policies and practices to make it a place that is both safe and inclusive. Central to this, is student voice and agency. Our school’s child safeguarding programs are regularly updated and checked for compliance with regulatory requirements. For further information please follow the ‘School Documents, Policies and Reports’ link found below and/or contact the Head of Campus.
School Online Referral Form
Log a Complaint
1 Hale Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
Contact Details
Principal: Dave Capra
Head of Campus: Stephanie Walsh
Phone: 07 3071 9010
Student Protection Contacts: Stephanie Walsh and Lucy Pearce
1 Hale Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
Phone: 07 3071 9010